Saturday, November 21, 2015

Lotus feet - Great masters

Shri Adi Sankaracharya’s Guru Ashtakam

Even if you have a pretty body, a beautiful wife,
Great fame and mountain like money,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if you have a wife, wealth, children grand children.
House , relations and are born in a great family,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if you have a wife, wealth, children grand children.
House , relations and are born in a great family,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if you are an expert in six angas and the four Vedas,
And an expert in writing good prose and poems,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if you are considered great abroad, rich in your own place,
And greatly regarded in virtues and life,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if you are a king of a great region,
And is served by kings and great kings,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if your fame has spread all over,
And the entire world is with you because of charity and fame,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if your mind stays away in the forest,
Or in the house, Or In duties or in great thoughts
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

Even if you have priceless jewel collection,
Even if you have an embracing passionate wife,
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?

That blessed one who reads this octet to the Guru,
Be he a saint, king, bachelor or householder
If your mind is not attached to the Lotus feet of Guru
He would get the great gift of attainment of Brahman.

Katha Upanishad
The Purusha, of the size of a thumb, is like a flame without smoke. The Lord of the past and the future, He is the same today and tomorrow. This, verily, is That.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  ` Matthew 6:22

Eyes are windows to the soul - William Shakespeare

Lotus feet of God is home of my mind – Guru Granth sahib
Surrender fully unto lotus feet of God that is the only business of the perfect human – Srimad bagavatham 1.5.20

That who submit his mind to Govinda, washes all the sins by
Meditating on the lotus feet of Godvinda – Adi shankara

O My Lord Narayana! You are full of unlimited Grace. I
Sincerely take refuge at you lotus feet – Adi shankara

All five elements are present in the lotus feet of God eyes.
-         Gnana Sarguru sivaselvaraj,

I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who with the torchlight of knowledge has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance. – Prabhupada

The mind can dis-entangle itself from worldliness, if through her grace, she makes it turn toward herself,
Only then does it become devoted to the lotus feet of Divine mother. One must propitiate the divine mother, the primal energy, in order to obtain God’s grace. God himself is mahamaya, who deludes the world with her illusion and conjures up the magic of creation preservation and destruction, she has spread this veil of ignorance before our eyes.  ~ Sri Ramakrishna

The big difference between a scholar and holy man. The mind of mere scholar is fixed on ‘woman and gold’. The saadhu’s mind is on the Lotus feet of Hari – Sri Ramakrishna.

Love for the Lotus feet of God is alone real, and all else illusory. – Sri Ramakrishna

For a true sikh, Lotus feet of the beleoved satguru is a heaven of Bliss, spiritual
Peace and joy and abode eternal. Immersed in the fathomless depth of this
Ocean of Bliss, one loses one’s “I’ ego and separate individuality and identity and
Experiances a taste of eternity in one’s own luminous soul. – Sri guru sranth sahib

Placing the attention on the lotus feet with a reverential attitude can dispel mundane preoccupations of ego, such as desires born out of vanity, pride and
Greed. Suffering, affliction pain fear and discontent fade away as body and mind
Become purified through attaching mind to the lotus feet. The illusion of separation from divine fades away. ~ Anonymous

Taking refuge at Gurus lotus feet, the devotee can receive innumerable spiritual
Benefits, just as he might attain through making pilgrimages, fasting, doing charitable acts, performing austerities and engaging in yogic disciplines. – anonymous.

The whole idea of the Mahabharatha culminates in the ultimate instructions of the bhagavath gita, that one should relinquish all other engagements an should engage oneself solely and fully in surrendering unto the lotus feet of Lord.

To destroy the form of the mind, enquire into the ego, the delusion, and enter the heart. This indeed is the worship to the lotus feet of Guru’s Holy form who abides
In the still silence that is beyond the mind- Ramanar

Like a cataract upon the eye, the ego- view plays trick on us, masquerading as being – consciousness even as it moves about in the insentient body. To prevent its formation and growth is worship to the graceful Twin lotus feet of the Guru  who exists and shines as the transcendental firmament.  Ramanar

If you want to attain liberation and redeem yourself by cutting asunder with the sword of true knowledge that false ignorance that has strongly bound you in the  form of an individual self, let your mind spring up immediately with surging love and without wasting a moment of your life, meditate constantly upon the Golden Lotus feet of the reality who, in the form of the guru, has taken you into his fold.

Great devotees are valled adiyars because they lie at the Lotus feet of Lord. In Sanskrit too we have similar term Acarya pada Govindpada Bagavathpada
Foot is called pada in Sanskrit, its known as ADI in tamil – Maha periyava.

Once the devotees mind, captivated by the Good qualities of the Lords, dwell on his Lotus feet, all their sins are absolved ar they will not see even in dream, yema and his lieutenants armed with roaps in their hands. – Srimad bhagavatham

Hearing singing or chanting remembering and thinking about your auspicious names and forms, engaged in various activities, but at the same time the mind
Thinking of lotus feet, such person will never again be subjected to the cycle of births and deaths. - Srimad bhagavatham

Nayana Deeksha is deeksha by the eye i.e by the guru looking on the disciple and communicating spiritual light. – Anonymous.

Surrender yourself to the lotus feet of the Guru with your senses and mind disciplined, and free from the shackles of samsara you will behold the Lord -
Bhaja Govindam.

O my mind,worship the lotus feet of the indestructible One! Mira says offer mind to those Lotus feet – Mirabai.

Mira’s Lord is the Mountain-Holder the suave lover. I sacrifice myself in devotion to his Lotus feet.  – Mirabai.

They are supreme ascetics who keep their Guru’s feet in their conscience. – Sadavsiva brahmendra

Madhvas and Gaudiyas share many of the same philosophical points. Both
Need to surrender to the Lotus feet of the Guru.

Even by the sightest rememberance of Krishna’s Lotus feet, all your sins may be burned up. Then through wholehearted devotion everything else will be attained.
~Jagadguru Madhavacharya

Lamps burn in every house,
O Blind one! And you cannot see them. One day your eyes shall
Suddenly be opened, and you shall see; and fetters of death will fall from you.
-          Kabir sahib.

80% contact with the world is through eyes. You move into the world almost only through eyes; They say 80% = osho

There are thousands and thousands of stories.. just by look one can become enlightened. They donot appear rational to us. How is this possible? This is possible! Even a look from the master into your eyes will change your total being,
But it can change only if your eyes are vacant, valley-like. – Osho

Remove the 7 veils to have athma jothi darsan. – Vallalar

Lift the veil that obscures the heart and there you will find what you are looking for – Kabir

Just between these two eyes is the third eye, the wisdom eye. The energy falling back from eyes hits third eye. – Osho

Blind man is 80% non-alive, he lives 20% - osho

You never look at each others eyes. You can touch the body there is not so offensive – but never look into each others eyes because that will be too much. Too near. You will penetrate the real man.– Osho

Through eyes 80% of the energy moves out. You are moving into the world through eyes. – osho

Focus your consciousness on his lotus feet and the inverted louts heart shall blossom forth. – Guru Granth sahib

One who enshrines his Lotus feet, meet the beloved lord; the divine light is revealed to him. – Guru Granth sahib

Your eyes show the strength of your soul – Paulo Coelho

I pray to you and worship at your golden lotus feet in complete faith – Thiyagaraja

O mother Tualsi! Deign to come and protect me; I have placed faith in only your holy feet.  Thiyagaraja

A single jump from the eyes can lead you to the source. That is not possible anywhere else from the body. From elsewhere you will have to travel long the distance is great. But from eyes a single step is enough to enter into yourself. – osho

Eyes are meeting point of you and your body. No where else in the body meeting is so deep. Human body and you are so separated, a great distance is there. But at the point of eyes you are the nearest to your body and body nearest to you. That is why eye can be used for the inner journey. – Osho.

Where is lotus feet?