Saturday, July 21, 2018

value of Guru 2

Guru suggests – gu means darkness, ru means dispeller – dispelling darkness. How to dispel darkness? You cannot kick the darkness out of a place because darkness is not an existence by itself. Darkness is absence of light. We value light for the clarity that it brings us. 

The reason why there has always been so much importance and stress on a Guru is that without a Guru, you cannot transform yourself. It is possible to work towards what you know, but how can you transform yourself into something that you don’t know?

Guru is not a person, but a certain possibility. It is not that only certain people get access to this possibility. Everyone may not have access to the person, but anyone who truly longs, always has access to this energy.

Being with a Master is never comfortable because he will break all your limitations and ideologies. Knowing the person or having access to the person can be on many levels. Having access to the possibility is only because of the longing that one may have. 

 If you really want to make use of a Guru’s Presence, you must be willing to allow that Presence to overwhelm you, to overpower you, to destroy you in one way. At least for those few moments that you are with him, you should no longer be yourself. What you consider yourself to be, should be absent in his Presence.

A Guru creates his personality in such a way that people don’t know whether to love it or to hate it…

That which is not in your experience cannot be taught to you intellectually. To take a person from one dimension of experience to another dimension of experience, you need a device which is of a higher level of intensity and energy. That device is what we call as Guru. The Guru-shishya relationship is on an energy basis. A Guru is touching you in a dimension where no one else can touch you. There are many ways to move your energies to Ajna. But from Ajna to Sahasrar, there is no particular way to do anything. It is just a jump. It is because of this that the Guru-shishya relationship has been held as the most sacred relationship in this culture. If you have to take this jump, you need deep trust – otherwise, it is not possible.

~ Sadguru

Value of Guru - Adi shankara

Body is handsome, wife is attractive, fame spread far and wide, 

wealth enormous and stable like Mount Meru; 

but of what consequence are all these, 

if the mind is not riveted in devotion to the lotus feet of Guru? 

Really of what use is all this, what use, what use?

Wife, wealth, son, grandson, and the like, house, relations, 
even if all these are there fate is certain, of what consequence is 
one’s life if his mind is not devoted to the feet of Guru? 
Ascertain, what use is any possession, person or object? 
Of what use, of what use, of what use indeed?

All the Vedas are mastered and ever present on the lips; likewise, knowledge of all the sciences is well gained. he ability to write prose or verse is also present. Even then, of what ultimate benefit is all this, if one’s mind does not devoutly rest on the feet of Guru? By whose grace along can one’s soul be liberated? Of what use, of what use, of what use indeed?
I am honoured well even in far off places, held in high esteem in my own locality; in good conduct and noble deeds there is no one to excel me. If one has occasion to think like this, of what avail is it if the mind is not steeped in devotion and humility towards the feet of the Guru from whom alone can flow wisdom and immortality?

Your feet may be worshipped constantly even by the great kings and emperors of the world for reason of your greatness and scholarship; but of what real consequence is that if the mind is not graced by the blessing of unflinching devotion to the Guru, by whose loving ‘touch’ alone can redemption and peace be realized?

Of what avail if one has enough merits to think my fame has already spread in several places due to my unique generosity and a result, all things of the world stand within my easy reach? For, the virtue and quality that count ultimately is only one’s unflinching loyalty and devotion towards the Guru whose blessings are the ultimate factor for realization of Truth by a devoted seeker.

The mind may have turned away from external delights through dispassion and from attainments like Yogic concentration, possessions like horses and the like, the enchanting face of the beloved, in short, the entire wealth of the earth; yet it will be of no real merit if the mind is not absorbed in piety and devotion to the feet of Guru. Bereft of this devotion, of what benefit is anything, of what benefit, of what benefit?

Even if I find in my possession precious stones or pearls and well decorated and dressed lovable bride, yet if my mind is not absorbed in devotion to the lotus feet of the Guru, of what use is any other possession?

The mind may have lost its charm to live in forests, and likewise in the house; may have lost all desire to achieve whatever; even the concern for the body’s welfare may have been outlived; the most invaluable treasure of the world may not hold any allurement. Even then, of what avail are all these if the supreme devotion to the Guru is not held by the aspirant? Determine, of what use? of what use?


Guru Ashtakam 

Whoever reads, studies and recites this Ashtaka on Guru and remains devoted and attentive to the sayings of the Guru, he, no matter if he is a holy person, ascetic, king, neophyte, or householder, attains his coveted object, namely the supreme abode of Brahman, the unassailable seat of immortality.

Value of Guru

  1. Even if the Guru is wrong, if your devotion is there you can never go wrong.
  2. The Guru Tattva is placed even higher than Lord Shiva Himself! 
  3. What are the benefits of having the Guru in life?  When you consciously acknowledge the Guru, that is when you learn more. You also might have experienced, that in life sometimes you feel stuck and the Guru’s presence moves you through, so that you don’t get stuck. Events, situations, concepts can all make one feel stuck. Firstly, one does not even know that one is stuck. Guru’s presence makes you realize that you are stuck, and helps you move.
  4. Moving from where we are stuck to having the flow in life towards its ultimate goal is the second benefit of having a Guru.
  5. The Guru principle or Guru-tattva will give you that which is good for you and not everything that you want.
  6.   Guru does not let you remain in an illusory world but helps you wake up and look at what is the ultimate reality of the universe. That is freedom or liberation.
  7. Self-effort is only in the conscious mind. For the subconscious mind you cannot put an effort. You need someone else or some other higher power to influence that. In fact to turn the unconscious mind into the super-conscious mind one definitely needs help and therefore nature has provided tradition of masters
  8. There are some who are very sensible but not sensitive and there are some who are very sensitive but not sensible. That wisdom which brings the balance in life is the Guru principle.
  9. Guru is essential. Leading from darkness to light, from known to unknown
  10. Guru expects nothing from you, except your well being and progress in path.
  11. Guru does not stuff knowledge to you, but kindles life force in you.

by Sri Sri

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Value of satsang

After obtaining deeksha, on doing meditation regularly we can lead a better life. It takes time to get into the track and pick up the meditation on Thiruvadi. For mind not to get confused/distracted in between, attending SATSANG is mandatory. When you come for a satsang, you talk to people, get to know experience of others. If you don't talk any one is also fine.. Its enough if you sit in the group of meditators. You will get recharged. Everyone gets recharged in satsang. 
Satsangatve nissngatvam
nissangatve nirmohatvam; nirmohatve nishchalatattvam 
nishcalatattve jiivanmuktih - adi sankara said. Even vallalar said if you are not in commune with thiruvadi meditators, its difficult to stay at holy feet of God. 
How much ever meditation you do, it does not matter, but its important to be in the satsang. If you are alone, a bad company can ruin your meditation. If you are in satsang, there is no need to worry about your activities. You will get the vibration. If you goto temple you will get a relaxation. In satsang you will 100 times better relaxation. Some can realize this, some can't realize the benefit due to karmic accumulation. We are wrapped by the karmic layer that don't let us experience this. Only when karmic veil started removing we can realize each and every small things. There will be full of divine sensation in the body. We can confirm that all naadis are activated.

Gnana sarguru sivaselvaraj Ayya

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Guru - the way

If your son/daughter made some mistake, will you ignore him for his mistake? We will try in all possible ways to make him come out of his mistake. Will God let down(discard) us for our mistakes? We might have done mistakes based on expression our karma and ignorance. If we realize the mistake and surrender to the holy feet of God, then we have solution for everything. We can get rid of all our karma. To achieve that we need grace of Guru.
God is like a law-maker(president/prime minister) He wont violate the laws. Guru is like our mother. If her son is murderer or thief or doing any mistakes, she wont compromise. Guru is mother to his disciples. Guru will look for all possible ways to overcome the problems/karmas of his disciple, will make him(guide) to clear their karma and mistakes. Guru always be with disciple, reduce the impact of karmic reactions. Only the guru makes the disciple pure. Only Guru can resolve all our karma. We have to cooperate to GURU.

We have to identify our mistakes and surrender to the feet of Guru.
Guru gives instructions to follow. We have to follow them first. We need do the penance(meditation) at thiruvadi and reach certain state. Only then they will join us and reduce the impact or intensity of our karma, alter the karma and save us. Without following the words of Guru, it is meaning less to blame God saying he didn't help in life to over come the problems.
You created all problems/karma in life, it's not intelligent to blame God. If we follow the words of Guru then we have exemption from our karma.
As God follows law-order, if you approach him, he will not violate the laws enforced by him. Guru is like a mother who save/protect you from your karma to realize god. Who ever its, whatever the status he has in society, if he has Grace of Guru only then he great person. Guru is sath sath para brahma. There is nothing else to say. There is no alternative explanation needed for Gurur brahmaa gurur vishnuh
Gurur devo maheshvarah Gurur saakshaat parabrahma. if we surrender to Good Guru we can overcome the cycle of birth-death.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Cry - tears

’Let your eyes become clouds pouring rainwater.’ Let tears flow from your eyes in a deep longing for God. Feel that you are missing your beloved – cry for it, weep for it, let your tears become your prayer. All other prayers are poor compared to the prayer that happens through tears. All words are poor.

God is not to be searched for, your eyes have only to be clean

 God is not somewhere else – you need not go to the Himalayas. God is not somewhere high in heaven, God is here now! This very moment! But your eyes are not luminous, you cannot reflect Him. God is not to be searched for, your eyes have only to be clean, unburdened. Let the past disappear.  - OSHO

luminous eyes to see this reality

You will need luminous eyes to see this reality, to recognize this secret one inside you. To recognize this vastness, this totality, this wholeness, you will have to create luminous eyes.

What does he mean by ’luminous eyes’? Your eyes are too dusty, the dust goes on collecting. It is like a mirror which has collected so much dust that it reflects no more.

What dust? Beliefs, religions, idols, ideals, ideologies, scriptures, -isms. All kinds of dust have accumulated on your eyes. It is really a miracle how you go on seeing the little bit that you do – even that should not be, because with so much dust

Kabir's meditation

...Kabir says: You will have to create luminous eyes. Empty eyes are luminous eyes. Drop all dust.
Sacred or mundane, drop all dust; holy or profane, drop all dust. Cleanse your eyes: that’s what
meditation is all about

Eyes are lotus feet of God.

Remove the dust

Jesus says ’Unless you are like children you will not enter into my kingdom of God.’ And remember, that kingdom is not far away – it surrounds you.

That kingdom is here. You are still in it, you have just lost the eyes to see it.

The kingdom is not to be gained, eyes have only to be regained, rediscovered – and it is not a difficult phenomenon, because you once had those eyes. They are only covered with dust.

The mirror has become covered with a layer of dust, but the mirror is there. Remove the dust, and again things will become beautiful, again things will have meaning and significance .

Where is lotus feet?